Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Breaking news: First Ebola patient diagnosed in U.S. is dead

No surprise there.


Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to follow the proceedure for how the authorities are going to recommend final arrangements for this case.

Anonymous said...

Also as a reminder, Duncan was put on dialysis Tuesday. His kidneys had shut down.

How do dialysis patients and technicians feel about using the same equipment?
I have no familiarity with this treatment, but I imagine a machine that washes the blood of a patient infected with ebola is going to add more questions to this brew.

Pastorius said...

Dip him in Liquid Nitrogen.

Anonymous said...

I assume that was sarcasm

Anonymous said...

Cameraman with Ebola gets Blood Transfusion USAToday 10/08/2014 12:04pm

Drug Stock Tanks After Ebola Patient Treated With Its Drug Dies SFGate, Wednesday 10/08/2014 8:20 am

*****Note the time on the SFGate report and contrast with the time of Duncan's passing. The stock exchange was aware of his demise hours ago.

Anonymous said...

US to screen for Ebola at 5 major airports

Anonymous said...

You might want to keep an eye on the timing of that pharmaceutical stock dropping due to Duncan's demise. Jessie Jackson and Sheila Jackson Leigh, vultures that they are, are already circling for media attention on the pretense that Duncan's race is a factor of his demise, since the other Ebola patients that survived are all white.

Always On Watch said...

Will the dialysis equipment have to be incinerated?

Anonymous said...

Ebola victim’s remains to be cremated, sick deputy awaits test results

Posted: Oct 09, 2014 2:02 PM EST Updated: Oct 09, 2014 2:08 PM EST
By: Staff

Ebola victim’s remains to be cremated, sick deputy awaits test results

The remains of Thomas Eric Duncan, the man who died from Ebola Wednesday morning in Dallas, have been sent for cremation.

Duncan died at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital after ten days of treatment in isolation.

State health officials said his body was transported away from the hospital, but didn't give specifics about where it was taken.

The Centers for Disease Control recommended the body be wrapped in a triple layer of plastic and leak-proof bags. Those bags were to be sprayed with disinfectant.

Duncan's ashes will reportedly be returned to his family.