Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ebola Contradictions

So, Americans possibly exposed to Ebola are under these restrictions, which include not using public transportation. 

However, those entering the United States from the Ebola Hot Zone and, therefore, possibly exposed to Ebola, are riding on commercial airliners and public transportation.

What kind of sense does that make?


Anonymous said...

Read today's headlines . . .nearly every msm outlet is pushing the narrative "effectiveness of Ebola travel ban questioned"
Travel ban for Texas health care workers in Ebola case all put on no-fly list!

CNN: Ebola fears: Airline contacts 800 passengers, country issues travel bans Oct. 18, 2014 7:16AM

Julie said...

You people are as stupid as they come

Mustang said...

If you were to take all the practical knowledge found inside the beltway, roll it up into a nice little ball, you could drop it inside a thimble, and it would disappear from sight. Now while everyone is complaining about “no fly” arrangements from the hot zone, I wonder why we are issuing any visas at all from that region. In fact, I would suggest a moratorium on the issuance of all visas from Africa (period) for a period of 60 to 90 days (depending on how far the disease spreads over in Africa).

Now, what the august community organizer said in a public statement the other day, we cannot halt flights from Africa because we have military troops that rely on air transportation to get there, and return. Apparently, Obama does not know that we transported our military personnel to West Africa on MILITARY aircraft, not civilian airliners. These aircraft do not operate through regular commercial protocols. The comment he made was completely inane. Our immediate solution must be: revoke all existing visas, and suspend issuing any visas for a period of 60 to 90 days.

Always On Watch said...

My good friend, that could well be the Comment of the Year!