Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Obama's Ebola Negligence

A team of scientists at Northeastern University in Boston have used air travel information to predict where the deadly Ebola virus could reach in the next three weeks 

From the Daily Mail:
...Professor Alessandro Vespignani of Northeastern University in Boston, who led the research [about Ebola-spread patterns], said: 'This is not a deterministic list, it's about probabilities – but those probabilities are growing for everyone.

'It's just a matter of who gets lucky and who gets unlucky.

'Air traffic is the driver.'...
By not banning incoming flights from the Ebola Hot Zone in Africa, Obama will become Murderer-In-Chief if there is an Ebola pandemic here in the United States.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ABCNews: Spain Quarantines 3 More After Nurse Gets Ebola

LATimes: Some Ebola experts worry virus may spread more easily than assumed

More about Ashoka Muckpo, photographer treated in Nebraska

CTV: Experimental Ebola treatments at a glance

Devastating news from the Ebola clinic

The day ends with the burial teams throwing their protective clothing - gloves, masks and body suits - into the last grave. It's starting to rain again. We remove our protective suits and put them in a yellow biohazard bag, which the burial team disposes of.

10/6/2014 Haaretz:
Amid spread of Ebola, Israel to tighten border control and issue travel advisory

Israel steps up fight against Ebola in Africa Three teams of medical professionals, along with mobile emergency clinics, will be sent to West Africa.

08/04/2014 JPost: Israeli Ebola researcher unique in learning how some victims survive
“There is general hysteria in the West about Ebola fever, but it is overblown,” the American- born Lobel said in an interview on Monday with The Jerusalem Post.

“The risks to Israel are very minimal. The only way for it to spread is through an infected traveler on plane. But if that ever happened, Israel has a security and medical system that is second to none. Infected individuals, before they appear sick, could possibly board a plane and come here. However, sick individuals would be effectively quarantined in Israel and the infection would be rapidly controlled,” Lobel said.