Thursday, December 04, 2014

Christian Pastor Calls For Genocide of Gay People, Says We Can Get It Done "By Christmas"

From Addicting Info:
It sounds like a sermon that would be delivered in Uganda, but it’s actually from the mouth of an American pastor in Arizona. Conservative “Christian” Pastor Steven Anderson openly called for executing every gay person in America during a Sunday sermon at his church in Tempe, Arizona. 
He claimed from the pulpit that gays need to be put to death in the name of God by Christams Day in an effort to wipe out AIDS, even though AIDS is not a virus exclusive to the LGBT community. 
Anderson opined: Turn to Leviticus 20:13, because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS. It was right there in the Bible all along — and they’re out spending billions of dollars in research and testing. It’s curable — right there. Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running rampant. 
In addition, Anderson went on a hateful tirade about how gay people will never to allowed to step foot inside his church. “No homos will ever be allowed in this church as long as I am pastor here,” Anderson declared. “Never! Say ‘You’re crazy.’ No, you’re crazy if you think that there’s something wrong with my ‘no homo’ policy.”
The Pastor is Steven Anderson from Faithful World Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona:
Pastor Steven Anderson was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. At age 18, he travelled throughout Germany and Eastern Europe for 3 months serving in local independent Baptist churches, studying foreign languages, and getting experience in the ministry. 
Pastor Anderson started Faithful Word Baptist Church on December 25, 2005. He holds no college degree but has well over 140 chapters of the Bible memorized word-for-word, including approximately half of the New Testament. 
Today, most Baptist churches are started by Bible colleges. However, the Bible makes it clear that the church is the pillar and ground of the truth, not a school. Faithful Word Baptist Church is a totally independent Baptist church, and Pastor Anderson was sent out by a totally independent Baptist church to start it the old-fashioned way by knocking doors and winning souls to Christ.
 I'm not sure what "totally independent Baptist Church" means.

Is this church part of a larger Baptist church structure? Or did Steven Anderson start this church all by himself, with no appointment whatsoever?

He certainly has the right to do so. But one of the reasons that churches band into affiliations is to maintain the integrity and authority of the Word of God and reasonable doctrine.

I'm sure I will learn more about what is going on here.

How many parishioners does this guy have?

What a barbaric idiot. It is extremely important to know what the word of God actually says. And its important to know the context as well. Reading and understanding the Law in its context helps one understand what was applicable to the Israelites and why. 
Reading rabbinical writings spanning over millennia is also helpful and, in my opinion, necessary for one in a position to teach others what is "needed" and "required" and what is not. 
Idiots like this barbaric Muslim-style moron always take the Bible in isolation and screw things up in terms of interpretation. There is evidence that even in the time of Ezra monetary payments instead of the death penalty was used even for crimes in the Law that asked for death penalty. 
And the reason for it was that a life was deemed so important that killing a human being was not taken lightly at all and the decision to take a human life was left to God instead of humans. 
With that said, I am in no way against the death penalty where its necessary but even the thought of justifying the murder of a human being just because they're homosexual should be sickening to any decent human being but even more so to any Christian who considers him or herself to be a representative of Christ. 
To conclude, fuck this pastor. He belongs with the muzzies.


Nicoenarg said...

What a barbaric idiot.

It is extremely important to know what the word of God actually says. And its important to know the context as well. Reading and understanding the Law in its context helps one understand what was applicable to the Israelites and why.

Reading rabbinical writings spanning over millennia is also helpful and, in my opinion, necessary for one in a position to teach others what is "needed" and "required" and what is not.

Idiots like this barbaric Muslim-style moron always take the Bible in isolation and screw things up in terms of interpretation.

There is evidence that even in the time of Ezra monetary payments instead of the death penalty was used even for crimes in the Law that asked for death penalty. And the reason for it was that a life was deemed so important that killing a human being was not taken lightly at all and the decision to take a human life was left to God instead of humans.

With that said, I am in no way against the death penalty where its necessary but even the thought of justifying the murder of a human being just because they're homosexual should be sickening to any decent human being but even more so to any Christian who considers him or herself to be a representative of Christ.

To conclude, fuck this pastor. He belongs with the muzzies.

Anonymous said...

Morons like him is just what we need to feed the anti-Christian fury.