Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Roger Simon Asks, "Is Obama a Manchurian Candidate?

From PJM:
I can’t believe I’m actually asking if Obama is a Manchurian candidate. I am so NOT into conspiracy theories. For me, it was always Oswald with the Mannlicher-Carcano in the Texas School Book Depository. The only conspiracy I ever believed in was the Black Sox Scandal. And yet… and yet…. No, I still don’t believe it. 
It’s simply not true. Barack Obama is not the Manchurian candidate. That’s just an excuse. The only problem is… He’s worse. He’s far worse. 
Barack Obama doesn’t have to be a Manchurian candidate. He can and is doing more damage without being one. A Manchurian candidate could be exposed (yes, and possibly could not). Barack Obama doesn’t need that. He and the media and the brainwashed public that elected him are destroying our country (and the West) all by themselves. They don’t need any secret conspirators in the back room. They’re all there in public view. And how. 
Obamacare and the sabotaging of the immigration system were bad enough, but they are absolutely trivial compared to what is going on now. We have the next thing to a jihadist in the White House. 
From the inability to name Islamic terrorists as Islamic, to the failure to name Jews as the objects of homicidal anti-Semitism at a kosher market, to the complete omission of the word Christian when 21 Christians have their heads cut off (simultaneously!) for being Christian, we have in the Oval Office not only the worst president in the history of our country, we have the worst person to be president. 
And now he is opening the door to a huge number of Syrian refugees, who knows how many of whom may be members of ISIS, al Qaeda or some group we haven’t even heard of yet. 
If I were a Christian or a Jew or even some sort of wishy-washy Muslim, I’d make sure your door was locked at night and you had exercised your Second Amendment rights. 
And if this weren’t enough, Obama is colluding with the Iranian ayatollahs as if he were an Shiite imam, not only to help them get nuclear weapons, but to form a permanent alliance with the United States against the Sunni world. 
How insane is that! 
(As a side issue, answer this question: What is more important – whether Iran gets the bomb or whether Bibi Netanyahu speaks in front of Congress? Absolutely stupid question, isn’t it? Only our administration thinks it’s the latter.) 
I have to say I’m flabbergasted. I never thought I’d be living in times like this, even though as a boy I saw the Auschwitz tattoos on the arms of the nurses in my father’s medical office. But what we’re seeing on the news now is just as horrifying. 
I wish I knew what to do, because convincing Obama to act is a double-edged sword. He is a horrible person to be a commander-in-chief and to put our troops in his hands is an awful thing to do to them. He will undoubtedly pull the rug out from under them just at the wrong moment. And they certainly know it. How could they not? So what do we do? 
Maybe hunker down and hope we make it through to 2016 with the right result. It’ll be a long slog, and a miserable one, but if we’re lucky, maybe Bill Clinton, of all people, will save us.


Anonymous said...

Walid Shoebat is working on a timeline spanning several administrations links to the muslim brotherhood. Worth giving it a glance to consider this "Manchurian candidate"theory


Breitbart: Extremists attending obama's countering extremism summit

christian soldier said...

answer to title question..
YES!! he is--

Anonymous said...

Has anybody considered the possibility that his arrogance and actions come from considering himself the 12th imam?

He is not on our side. That´s a fact. Just how far gone is he???

Redneck Texan said...

I couldn't seem to find my invite to the extremist summit in the mailbox.

But from what I gather we're not at war with Islam, and terrorism would go away if we gave them all jobs .... with healthcare and same sex maternity leave.

You know I've been thinkin' ..... Islam to me is just the codification of Arab cultural values. And Arabs were some pretty sorry human being way before they forcefully spread Islam across the region.

I wish someone would stand up at the Summit and point the finger directly at the corrupt and violent people who just happen to be Muslim.

So OK if we are not at war with a religion ..... Can we at least declare total war on a culture?

.... no not yet. But soon perhaps.

Pastorius said...

Good point, RT.

Islam is Arab Supremacism.

Anonymous said...

Not while this administration runs the show...Minnesota tries softer approach in battling Islamic State
Will unveil plan at White House summit on countering violent extremism

Minnesota had a suspicious mosque compound fire on New Years at Cedar Riverside in 2014 which was quickly dismissed as caused by a gas leak in a building not serviced by the gas company. The structure was demolished immediately and the story swept under the proverbial prayer rug...under Keith Ellison's watchful eye. See Gates of Vienna archives for full details.

Also keep in mind that there are many Arabs who are Christian.

Redneck Texan said...

More accurately I'd say that there are still a very few Arabic tribes that have remained Christian since before the Islamic conquest.

Its not like its a growing trend in the region.

I imagine a large percentage of them have emigrated. I know they have out of Lebanon.

The goats in the region have a hard time telling them apart. As do I.

They were waging bloodthirsty communal warfare across the Yemeni highlands long before, and after, they were Christians as well.

My original point being, we look at the corruption and violence in parts of the world such as South Asia and Latin America, and shape our narratives that its caused by their Political leaders or religious affiliations, and that the majority of the people that reside there are innocent victims of a small handful of powerful players.

We cant say in public that the leaderships we hold as evil are an accurately representative reflection of the corrupt and violent people they lord over.

Although it didn't keep us from firebombing the poor innocent victims the Nazis lorded over in Dresden. You just gotta be pissed off enough that you willing to set aside the guilt of slaughtering the local populace until victory is assured.

Anonymous said...

No comments on the possible self-appointed divinity of the guy in the White House?