Sunday, March 15, 2015

Coup Against Putin?

From Kavkaz Center (via Google Translate):
Polish television TVN24 in the overall series "The disappearance of Putin» (Zniknięcie Putina) devoted a very large program called "Who could replace Putin? In the role of the favorites of the two generals »(Kto mógłby zastąpić Putina? Dwóch generałów w roli faworytów),

The program tells about who could replace "disappeared" Putin, who in the Russian tradition, could have been killed.

The program says:

"The nervous atmosphere around the Kremlin and rumors of ill health Putin raised the question of who will replace the current president? In a country like modern Russia, continuity is important. The question will be decided well before the departure of the leader. Thus, even if the rumors about the troubles Putin will be exaggerated and he intends to rule until 2024, it must be prepared to "emergency scenario."

In Russia, at least since the late 1990s, the President shall appoint an heir through the anointing, and elections are only the formal approval of the decision.

In December 1999, Boris Yeltsin, the patient decided not to wait until the end of his second term and handed over his duties to Vladimir Putin. The same thing happened in autumn 2007. Dmitry Medvedev appointed Putin as his favorite - and, of course, a few months later, Putin won the presidential election in the first round.

Who after Putin?

There is no doubt that the next changing of the guard in the Kremlin will in like manner, unless there is something unexpected and the situation is out of control of the ruling elite. Putin's presidential term expires in 2018. If he decides to stay - his second term expires in 2024 already. Can the Putin rule for so long? It is not known. Can never be ruled out that he will leave before term, at least for health reasons.

It is worth noting that it is not passed and the first year of Putin's third term as former Kremlin spin doctor Gleb Pavlovsky said in a press interview that the president is thinking about creating a "group of dolphins", which after much deliberation to elect his successor.

If Putin will be forced to leave the Kremlin today, who would replace him?

Return Medvedev seems unlikely. Now is not the time to sat down in the Kremlin "liberal". Perhaps it will be someone from the second and even third-tier caste Putin's officials may governor.

You can also assume that the successor will be Sergei Sobyanin. As mayor of Moscow in the autumn of 2010, he gained a lot of popularity and has very good relations with the Kremlin.

If, however, Putin and Russia's top leadership will decide to maintain a confrontational course in foreign and domestic policy, the new master of the Kremlin will be a descendant of "hard line" in relation to the enemies of the West. One of the leaders of this camp is Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. But it does not have a strong base, and he has a reputation as a "government Zhirinovsky."

Today, the first in line to replace Putin should Sergei Shoigu (aka mother Rivlin - KC). General, the Minister of Defense in connection with the war in the Donbas and the tightening of relations with NATO, he actually became a human being number 2 in Russia.

The second candidate, which can be considered quite probable, as well as general and Sergey - it Ivanov. He is now the head of the presidential administration, and therefore refers to several key figures in the country. This security officer, a veteran intelligence. If for Shoigu is the army, then for Ivanov - security services, the heirs of the KGB.

The Kremlin said to be preparing a major announcement, journalists are asked not to depart for the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reuters: Russia starts nationwide show of force Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:58am EDT

More than 45,000 Russian troops as well as war planes and submarines started military exercises across much of the country on Monday in one of the Kremlin's biggest shows of force since its ties with the West plunged to Cold War-lows.

President Vladimir Putin called the Navy's Northern Fleet to full combat readiness in exercises in Russia's Arctic North apparently aimed at dwarfing military drills in neighboring Norway, a NATO member.

"New challenges and threats to military security require the armed forces to further boost their military capabilities. Special attention must be paid to newly created strategic formations in the north," Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said, quoted by RIA news agency.

Shoigu said the order came from Putin, who has promised to spend more than 21 trillion rubles ($340 billion) by the end of the decade to overhaul Russia's fighting forces.

Putin made his first public appearance since March 5 on Monday, an absence from view that had fueled feverish speculation over his health as well as his grip on power. He was meeting Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev at the Constantine Palace outside Russia's second city of St. Petersburg.

Norway is currently holding its "Joint Viking" drills involving 5,000 troops in Finnmark county, which borders Russia in the resource-rich Arctic circle where both countries are vying for influence.

Russia's drills would include nearly 40,000 servicemen, 41 warships and 15 submarines, RIA reported.