Sunday, March 15, 2015

Vatican security chief says ISIS threat to pope is real - Pope Says He Has a "Feeling" His Time "Will Be Brief"

My Time Will Be Brief

The Italian government went on high alert last week after threats from the Islamic State called Italy “the nation signed with the blood of the cross.” 
The video threat, released with images of 21 Coptic Christians from Egypt who were beheaded this month, warned that Islamic State forces were “south of Rome,” in Libya. At its closest point, Libya is little more than 100 miles from the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia.
Vatican City (AFP) - Pope Francis marked the second anniversary of his election on Friday by giving an interview in which he says he expects his time at the Vatican to only last for another two or three years. 
"I have a feeling my pontificate will be brief," the 78-year-old told Mexico's Televisa channel. 
"Four or five years, I don't know. Two years have already gone by. 
"It is a vague feeling I have that the Lord chose me for a short mission. I am always open to that possibility."


Always On Watch said...

Would the West wake up if the Pope were slaughtered by ISIS? I doubt it.

Pastorius said...

The Pope is just another celebrity.

We could replace him with George Clooney, or maybe Denzel Washington.

WC said...
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WC said...
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WC said...

Wake up Pope! Pull together that Crusader Army and defend the faith.