Okay slide the ADL next to SPLC..another descent into HACK orgs.
ADL Joins Obama’s War on Israel
Okay slide the ADL next to SPLC..another descent into HACK orgs.
ADL Joins Obama’s War on Israel
Anti-Semitism org embraces Dems under new leadership
One of America’s oldest organizations meant to combat anti-Semitism has joined an Obama administration campaign to discredit former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, whose new memoir documents how the White House fought behind the scenes to undermine the historically close U.S.-Israel alliance.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Sunday surprised many observers when it attacked Oren amid a broader campaign by White House supporters to discredit Oren’s soon-to-be-released memoir, Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide.
The revelations contained in Oren’s book ruffled feathers among Democrats and Obama administration supporters who have argued for years that the president is staunchly pro-Israel.
The organization, whose incoming leader is a former Obama administration official, has come under increasing criticism in the last five years for repeatedly running interference as the administration worked to undermine the U.S.-Israel relationship, sources said.
In his memoir, Oren recounts being intimidated and threatened by senior White House officials at many times during his tenure as Israel’s ambassador and documents how the administration explicitly sought to weaken the U.S.-Israel relationship.
The allegations have triggered a campaign of retaliation, as the White House has sought to stem criticism.
The ADL—a non-profit organization that once shunned overtly partisan political causes—joined the Obama administration’s campaign to discredit Oren on Sunday.
“In the days leading up to the forthcoming release of a memoir of his experiences as Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren appears to be using the very legitimate and sharp policy disagreements between Israel and the U.S. as an insensitive and unjustified attack on the president,” outgoing ADL national director Abraham Foxman said in a statement.
“Ambassador Oren revives the meme of the president’s ‘Muslim heritage’ to make the case that American foreign policy in the Middle East is primarily being promoted and dictated by the president’s early upbringing in the Muslim faith and in Muslim traditions,” added Foxman, who will soon be replaced at the ADL by former Obama administration official Jonathan Greenblatt.
WTH? The ADL did this?
I don't understand the world in which we are now living (merely existing).
Blogger J and I started IBA specifically because of our deep frustration with the ADL.
J is Jewish, while I am, of course, Christian.
In the internet age, we can all get information out without having it cost tens of millions of dollars in contribution money.
I have long said, Fuck the ADL, fuck the SPLC, and fuck all the other "Human Rights" organizations which will not stick up for Jews, Israel, and Christians when they are targeted.
These organizations are nothing but Leftist organizations posing as moral watchdogs in order to promote an agenda to take down Western Civilization.
They are, ULTIMATELY, truly dangerous.
That is not to say they are wrong on everything. They are not.
But their leftist agenda is more important to them than real morality.
And that will kill us if we do not put a stop to it.
" .... if we do not put a stop to it."
And how do you propose we do that? The world seems to be going in one direction.At this point I believe it will be practically impossible to reverse the tide.
I never believed in conspiracy theories, but 1+1 still equals 2, and putting together the following articles does not give us much room to reach many different conclusions.
I don't have a solution. But I do what I can. You might notice, this blog has taken a lot of my time the last ten years.
Today, Ace of Spaces wrote the following sentence:
"You are their voters, but you are not their constituency."
I think that sums it up.
At this point, the voters have NOTHING to say about how America is governed. It's not really America anymore.
I don't buy many conspiracies.
The people are simply no longer vigilant.
Brian Williams lied nd got away with it until the same media decided he had to go because the smell was too bad.
We just don't want anything to spoil the party, and we CHOOSE to believe we don't have have to disturb ourselves if we only can just BELIEVE it's all ok.
This is precisely why revolutions are carried out by a minority
Yeah. Depressing, isn't it?
I'm no fan of Charles Murray's work. You might recall that he was a co-author of The Bell Curve.
However, I read a review of his book Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. So, not wanting to buy any of this works, I found the book at my local library.
This book goes a long way to explain how we got to this point.
I cannot recommend the book highly enough! I can't stop thinking about a lot which Charles Murray had to say in that book.
At my blog site, I posted a quiz from the book. You might be interested in taking that quiz and reading Baysider's comment to the thread; she wrote a mini-review of the book, but I did not.
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