Friday, April 15, 2016

Revolution Time: Labor Is a Product - H1B Visas Are an Anti-Product

America is a Government of the people, for the people and by the people.

We are the People.

We are the Government.

The Government is "of" us.  It is made up of us.

The Government is "for" us. The Government serves our needs.

The Government is "by" us. We make the laws, and we run the Government.

The Government does not tell us what to do. We tell the Government what to do.

This is as it should be.

To the extent that we no longer tell the Government what to do, the Government has STOLEN that power from the people.

What is the purpose of the Government? The purpose is to protect the Property of the People.

The Property of the people is the Private Property of the People. The Government does not own the Property.

To the extent that the Government does manage Property, it does so with the consent and tolerance of the People. The People can take away the Management rights any time the People see fit.

The Government's only job is to protect it's People and their Property.

The People own themselves as Property. We own our bodies and the contents of our minds as Property. We own the products of our minds, our ideas, as Property.

Ideas are products of the minds for the purpose of organizing the world around us.

The purpose of organizing the world is to make the world more habitable, more comfortable, a more happy place.

The process of making the world more habitable, comfortable and happier is called Labor.

We Labor in order to make the world a better place for ourselves. We do not Labor to make the world a better place for the Government.

Our Labors are for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  We feed our bodies, and nourish our souls. That is the point of Labor. There is no other point to Labor.

We get to decide what to feed our bodies, and we get to decide how to nourish our souls. Because we own our bodies and our minds as Property, it is our Right to decide what to do with them, and how to feed them and nourish them.

It is our Right to decide the definition of "the Pursuit of Happiness." The Pursuit of Happiness is our own Individual Pursuit of Happiness. We choose. The Government does not Choose for us.

So, now we have established the Purpose of Labor, and that there is no other Purpose to Labor.

Any counter-purpose to Labor serves only to decrease Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. No Individual in his right mind would choose to decrease his Life, his Liberty, or his Happiness.

We own our Labor, and we own the Products of our Labor.

Our Labor itself is a Product. We choose what to Labor for, in order to increase our Life, Liberty, and our Happiness.

Our Labor is the Production of our bodies and minds. We choose how to use our bodies and minds.

We choose our Labor. The Government does not choose our Labor.

These ideas, themselves, are an Organization of the world. These ideas are American ideas. These ideas do not exist as the Organizing Principles of any other Nation in the world.

In other nations in the world, the people exist for the benefit of the Government, not the other way around.

To introduce the ideas or Organizing Principles of any other nation of the world into our system here in America would only serve to decrease Life, Liberty, and the the Pursuit of Happiness for the Individuals who make up the United States of America.

There would be no purpose to it. No one in their right mind, would consciously choose to decrease his Life, Liberty, or Happiness.

So, why would we give our Labor away for Free? Why would we deactivate our Labor?

H1B Visas allow employers to import Labor from other nations to replace our Labor, to replace our Products.

H1B Visas exist under a law granted by the Government of the United States of America.

H1B Visas are an example of Government choosing to give our Products away for Free. An H1B Visa is a replacement of our Labor with the Labor or another nation. This is the giving away of our Labor; it is the deactivation of our Labor.

If We the People are the Government, and yet the Government has chosen to give away our Labor for Free, there are only two choices in how to understand what is going on here. Either,

1) We the People are not in our Right mind,


2) as the Declaration of Independence says, the Government has "become destructive to these ends (Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness)",

OR, in other words,

the Government is no longer of the People, by the People, and for the People.

To the extent that we no longer own the Government, the Government, then, has grown into an entity of it's own will, and has STOLEN the power from the people.

"And, whenever Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter, or abolish it, and institute new Government."


BuckWheat comments:
The first restraint upon government is by a limited budget, and thus by limited funds. But when government gives itself power to create near-infinite money out of thin air, then it has near-infinite funding of near-infinite bureaucracy by which to create and enforce near-infinite regulations each having the weight of law.


Epaminondas said...

Excellent post.

Now think of Zuckerberg and his disgusting self serving soliloquy yesterday

Pastorius said...

I didn't hear it. I'll look it up.

midnight rider said...

excellent post

Nicoenarg said...

Awesome article. BTW Americans think about their governments totally differently to how Europeans think about them.

Europeans in general accept that their governments have the right to tell them how to live their lives.

Your post makes that difference in thought all the more evident. Your politicians however for the last 40 years have been busy forcing European principles on the populace. It was going all beautifully for them until June 16, 2015.

Pastorius said...

Are you referring to the day Jeb Bush entered the Presidential race?

If so, I pretty much agree. Though other more important things were festering, the first time I really felt, this is it, we can't wait any longer, is when Jeb Bush entered the race and immediately was declared "the Frontrunner".

That made me very, very angry.

Nicoenarg said...

No I was referring to the day Trump entered the race. Bush entering angered people but Trump gave them an alternative. That's what I think.

Without Trump Cruz would most probably have gotten the nomination and would have been a repeat of promises made pre 2010 and 2014.

Anonymous said...

The first restraint upon government is by a limited budget, and thus by limited funds. But when government gives itself power to create near-infinite money out of thin air, then it has near-infinite funding of near-infinite bureaucracy by which to create and enforce near-infinite regulations each having the weight of law.

Government also buys favor and support by funding enough “benefits” that almost half of all households in the US receive some form of direct government money. It can seize an unlimited amount of private land and pay 'fair market value' as Susette Kelo of New London, Connecticut found out.

The first order of business of an Article V convention of the States must be to restrain government’s ability to create more money than the citizens want to send in the form of taxes upon themselves. We must stop near-infinite money so we stop near-infinite government.

-- theBuckWheat

Pastorius said...

BuckWheat, I'm going to add the first paragraph of your comment as an addendum to my post.