Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Bring It On, Bitchez

TRUMP JUMPS TO 34 POINT LEAD in CALIFORNIA After Violent Leftists and Mexicans Riot Outside Trump Rally

Donald Trump is leading Ted Cruz by a whopping 34 percentage points — 54%-20% — among likely Republican voters in California, a SurveyUSA poll for KUSA found. 
That’s a significant gain for the Republican frontrunner, whose lead was only 8 percentage points in the last SurveyUSA poll a month ago. And it’s a significant loss for Cruz. The two were 40%-32% last month. 
California, which holds its primary June 7, is the most delegate-rich state on the Republican primary calendar with 172 at stake for GOP hopefuls. 
That makes Indiana, which will award 57 delegates after its primary Tuesday, all that much more important for Cruz if he wants to stop Trump from reaching the 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the nomination. In the most recent poll, though, he is trailing by 15 percentage points in the Hoosier State.

1 comment:

The Last English Prince said...

Cruz can't stop Trump. But he will continue on in delusional manner. It reminds me of the medical psychological condition of women who will want a baby so badly that they develop the symptoms of pregnancy, gain the weight,etc. In the end, they just steal a baby. Oops! Did I say steal the baby? Cruz is going to take his "political pregnancy" all the way to the convention and give birth to the wind. We the People will not let him steal Trump's baby.