Monday, June 13, 2016

Is Seddique Mateen One of the Original Afghani Fighters Trained By the CIA in the 1980's?

Q: Omar Mateen was born in NY in 1986. When and how did his father come to the US? Before 1986? Seddique Mateen (Taliban supporter) is a wannabe Afghani president. Now Soetoro allegedly went via Pokkiestan in September 1980 ( he was missing fr NY and came back to the US a month later) to Afghanistan to visit/pay the Afghani mujahideen who were fighting the Russians (on behalf of the CIA) Look at Daddy Seddique’s FB pics when he was younger–chest full of medals –was he one of them?
Why consider it?

Omar's father visited the State Dept. in 2015 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AmericanThinker: TWA 800 (1996): Breaking -- Air Traffic Controller Tells All As I hoped would happen, American Thinker’s series on TWA Flight 800 has prompted individuals with first hand knowledge to come forward. “Mark Johnson” is one. An air traffic controller (ATC), he worked the night of July 17, 1996 -- the night TWA Flight 800 was destroyed -- at the New York Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) located in Westbury, New York.
Although Johnson was not responsible for tracking TWA Flight 800, he spoke directly with the ATC who did. In fact, he asked him “plenty of questions to prepare myself for the ‘suits’ who were beginning to arrive.” Along with several other ATCs, he viewed the radar tape of the incident. According to Johnson, “A primary radar return (ASR-9) indicated vertical movement intersecting TWA 800.”

An advanced radar system, the Northrop Grumman ASR-9 is able to detect a “target” in severe clutter even when the target has no transponder. The absence of a transponder is what distinguishes a “primary radar return” from a “secondary” one. In others words, the radar picked up a small, unidentified, ascending object intersecting TWA 800 in the second before the 747 “disappeared from radar.”