Friday, November 10, 2017

NOT WINNING!!! Trump's Homeland Security Nominee is Pro-Amnesty, Anti-Homeland Security


In a radio interview, Coulter slammed Trump’s appointment of Nielsen — whom Breitbart News has been vetting — as a loss for the president’s pro-American immigration reform agenda, which includes construction of a border wall, mandatory E-Verify to keep illegal aliens out of the U.S. workforce, and a reduction in legal immigration to raise Americans’ wages. 
“Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Department of Homeland Security is an open borders zealot,” Coulter told radio host Mark Simone. “Is against the wall… this Kirstjen Nielsen her name is.” 
“This is the head of Homeland Security and she’s against, let’s see, oh yeah homeland security,” Coulter continued.


Anonymous said...

Trump is surrounded by liberals, and he has to rely on the people around him, since he cannot vet every candidate. It's the only possible explanation.
Either that, or his campaign was one big lie.

thelastenglishprince said...

DHS has 240,000 employees. The one awaiting appointment will find herself in a nest of 240,000 working ants and she is not the Queen Bee. smile

I have a friend whose daughter has been hired by DHS to do one thing: process the backlog of cases for future deportees. 1 of 240,000....

Ann Coulter is yapping for no real good reason. Things are being tightened up across the board.

Pastorius said...

So, there's an article about an egregious appointment by Trump, and your whole response is to ignore the subject.

That is lame.

thelastenglishprince said...

Not ignore. Just dispute that this is any big news other than in Ann Coulter's mind.

Always On Watch said...

I see this as a HUGE problem. This nominee is not just any DHS employee! Rather, she is DJT's nominee to be the head of DHS. She will have substantial contributions related to homeland security policies.

Always On Watch said...

I am of a similar opinion.