Tuesday, January 09, 2018

As Trump Economy Booms, Left Gets Crazier Heading Towards Next November

Notionally Deranged

As Trump Economy Booms, Left Gets Crazier Heading Towards Next November
President Trump’s economic boom is undeniably underway which means that the Left will grow increasingly strident and desperate in the lead-up to this year’s midterm congressional elections and beyond. 
The better things go under Trump, the more looney the Left becomes. Left-wingers need something new to excite their base but they’re not likely to find it anytime soon. 
They’re going to recycle the same old garbage. Despite potentially the ensnaring of a handful of people in FBI perjury traps, the crazy Trump-Russia electoral collusion conspiracy theory is going nowhere. 
Because the lies in the Fusion GPS dossier aren’t helping the Left move the needle toward impeaching Trump, these people are back to the bogus sexual harassment allegations and the claims that Trump is mentally incompetent that conveniently emerged during the 2016 campaign. 
Richard Wolff’s wacky tell-all book is being attacked even on the Left and Wolff comes across as emotionally disturbed and malicious in TV interviews. His 15 minutes of fame are almost up.
For instance:
"Notionally accurate" = Corresponds to the set of hysterical prejudices that comprise my world view.

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