Friday, January 05, 2018

FBI Launches New Clinton Foundation Investigation

FBI Launches New Clinton Foundation Investigation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Justice Department has begun an investigation into whether the Clinton Foundation conducted “pay-to-play” politics or other illegal activities during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, The Hill reported on Thursday, citing law enforcement officials and a witness. 
The newspaper said FBI agents from Little Rock, Arkansas, where the foundation began, had taken the lead in the investigation and interviewed at least one witness in the past month. 
Law enforcement officials told The Hill that additional activities were expected in coming weeks. In response to a request for confirmation, a Justice Department spokeswoman said the agency did not comment on ongoing investigations. There was no immediate response to a request for comment by officials at the Clinton Foundation. 
The organization previously said there was never any trade in policy decisions for contributions. 
Democrats have accused Republicans of launching a spurious investigation of Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, to divert attention from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s election campaign and Russia.


thelastenglishprince said...

Read the last sentence of this article. A timed window is quickly closing:

Perhaps Ms. Clinton chose to leave when she did to secure her future freedom.

Always On Watch said...


The Enemedia are, of course, spinning this story in "light" of Wolff's book, which states that Trump is mentally unfit for office.