Thursday, January 11, 2018

Humpday Blues

Muddy Waters
I Can't Be Satisfied

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Consider also:

Video preset to quote for John Cardillo of reports on the FBI investigating mishandling of classified information by former Clinton Aide Huma Abedin in which he points out 'why this is a worse problem for Huma and Hillary' - these files were all uploaded from a blackberry.

For more than a year now, independent investigative journalist, George Webb has surmised that the Awan IT scandal involves several/many democrats IT equipment (blackberry phones, servers etc.) being compromised by the Awan bros. Webb suggested that the equipment, particularly the blackberries preferred by Hillary and the dems were doctored to auto sync with similarly doctored equipment whenever within range of syncing. This would allow auto
data transfer to Awan doctored equipment throughout. The Awan Bros. IT scandal involves potential espionage for the Pakistani ISI, suspected in Extortion 17, and the January 2017 Yemen raid casualties. Assuming Huma carried any Awan compromised IT technology such as a blackberry - it is not much of a stretch to assume that the Weiner laptop may also have been compromised by the Awans and automatically sync'd when in range of Huma's blackberry or other IT tech compromised by the Awans.