Saturday, January 06, 2018

Judge Denies Fusion GPS' Motion to Block Congress From Seeing Its Financial Records; Fusion GPS Files Emergency Motion to Appeals Court, Hoping for Reversal

Judge Denies Fusion GPS' Motion to Block Congress From Seeing Its Financial Records; Fusion GPS Files Emergency Motion to Appeals Court, Hoping for Reversal


Always On Watch said...

Clearly, Fusion GPS has something to hide.

Now, what will they have destroyed in their records before turning them over?

Anonymous said...

1) The Scope of the Inspector General Report and the Inevitable March Towards a Special Counsel to Investigate the Department of Justice.

2) On January 12th, 2017 Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced his investigation and identified the initial scope of his investigation.

3) The Impetus
"in response to requests from numerous Chairmen and Ranking Members of Congressional oversight committees, various organizations, and members of the public"
4) The primary sources are the oversight committees and we are going to focus on them due to the public availability of documentation.
5) Keep in mind that "various organizations" INDICATES organizations such as Judicial Watch, the ACLJ, and other organizations whose IG requests have not been made public. Also keep in mind that "members of the public" are the ever important and confidential whistle blowers.
6) What we are going to do in this thread is match up source documents from the oversight committees to the IG Report. I will demonstrate that they are the main thrust of the investigation, and that the expanse of the investigation has expanded since the initial announcement.
7) What we will not be able to do is identify what the IG is investigating due to "other organizations" and "members of the public". We are going to explore "other issues that have arisen" that we have evidence of.
8) The Disclaimer - Placing Responsibility on the DOJ
There are two parts to the IG disclaimer. The first part he lets the public know that he cannot open/re-open investigations or prosecute.
9) In Horowitz War vs. The Obama Admin he allied himself with Congress. This is the continuation of that war. This is the mop up operation and he is once again working with Congress towards that end. That end is reached by a special counsel and there are two paths to get there.
10) Both paths go through the DOJ. They can appoint one on their own or be forced to by Congress. The evidence will simply be too overwhelming to do otherwise. It will look like the IG and Congress vs. the DOJ but make no mistake about it the DOJ/FBI good guys are in on it.
to be continued

Anonymous said...


10) Both paths go through the DOJ. They can appoint one on their own or be forced to by Congress. The evidence will simply be too overwhelming to do otherwise. It will look like the IG and Congress vs. the DOJ but make no mistake about it the DOJ/FBI good guys are in on it.
11) The Initial Scope Bullet Points
Comey, Kadzik, FOIA, and the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
(Note: Nothing STATED about the Steele Dossier and the plot against Trump)
12) October 11th, 2016 House Judiciary Committee letter asks the IG to investigate the circumstances of Hillary Clinton's interview which opens the door to the politicization of the FBI #Comey and #PeterStrzok
13) November 2nd, 2016 Senate Judiciary Committee fires off an electronic letter focusing the IG on #McCabe, Kadzik, and Lynch (Tarmac)
14) November 2nd, 2016 Miami Florida
15) Kadzik and Podesta
16) Kadzik was the DOJ Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs. He resigned and was replaced by Trump nominee Stephen E. Boyd
17) Now we get to the good stuff. Mr. Boyd notifies the House Judiciary Committee that he forwarded two letters to Michael Horowitz to determine if he should expand the scope of his investigation.
18) It Begins
July 27th, 2017 House Judiciary Committee Calls for a Special Counsel on legal grounds pursuant to 28 CFR 600.1
19) 14 Questions for the IG!
This powerful letter is a thing of beauty that expands the scope and establishes the legal framework for a special counsel. Read in it's entirety to see where we are headed. (Steel Dossier, Uranium One, Clinton Foundation)

20) 14 Questions Summary
1-5 clinton email investigation
6-8 Clinton Foundation Uranium One
9 DNC Election Rigging
10 -14 Weaponized DOJ/FBI SteeleDoss Russian HOAX
21) #Comey's Lies are catching up to him.
September 26th, 2017 continues the call for a special counsel as well as targets Comey's lie to Congress. They have Comey dead to rights. PDF>>
22) James Comey says he closed the Hillary Clinton email investigation AFTER he interviewed her despite crafting a letter of exoneration prior to doing so.

23) The July 27th letter is the key document. Everything needed to appoint a special counsel is contained within it. The letters preceding it were precursors and the ones after are add ons. All the IG has to do is reinforce that letter and a special counsel will be appointed.
24) The House Judiciary Committee will not let up on the call for a special counsel. Jordan wants one now. Rosenstein cannot commit until after the IG investigation is complete.
25) The HJC established legal standing for a special counsel but needs the evidence from the IG to seal the deal for a SC. The DOJ needs the IG Report in order to IMPARTIALLY appoint a SC. They both need the same thing.
26) This report will be the highlight of Horowitz career as well as that of everyone in his organization. It will be the most significant report to ever come out of the Inspectors General. He will give the HJC and the DOJ what they need to appoint a SC. It is inevitable.
follow initial link for embedded images

thelastenglishprince said...

Excellent post. Thank you, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ~
The reviews are in ("I'm a famous bloviator." - author Michael Wolff, on himself)

rumor has it that Wolff's book could be part of a sting ,fabricated by Wolff, Bannon and Trump .
Wonder if Wolff has emails showing MSM in conspiracy to publish items they knew were false - & thru book sales managed to get the enemy to pay for it ... more fodder for the anticipated
Monday Fake News Awards

Anonymous said...


While everyone talks Michael Wolff, Bill Clinton rape accuser dropped her tell-all book this week.