Saturday, January 06, 2018

Lawmakers concerned about Trump's mental health invited a Yale psychiatry professor to brief them in December

Lawmakers concerned about President Donald Trump’s mental state summoned Yale University psychiatry professor Dr. Bandy X. Lee to Capitol Hill last month for two days of briefings about his recent behavior. In private meetings with more than a dozen members of Congress held on Dec. 5 and 6, Lee briefed lawmakers — all Democrats except for one Republican senator, whom Lee declined to identify. 
Her professional warning to Capitol Hill: “He’s going to unravel, and we are seeing the signs.” In an interview, she pointed to Trump “going back to conspiracy theories, denying things he has admitted before, his being drawn to violent videos.” 
Lee also warned, “We feel that the rush of tweeting is an indication of his falling apart under stress. Trump is going to get worse and will become uncontainable with the pressures of the presidency.”


thelastenglishprince said...

Gosh! Based on her criteria the Ibloga team should be rounded up and put in the paddy wagon.

Pete Rowe said...

What is the rule about rendering a diagnosis or opinion without seeing, touching, or speaking to the patient?

Pastorius said...
