Wednesday, January 10, 2018

President Trump holds bipartisan immigration meeting in full

I have to think this meeting - along with the economy, and the recent tax reform bill - are going to totally transform a lot of Trump-hater's world views.

This is the real Donald Trump at work. If you don't walk around the world with a Clown's-eye-view of how things work, then you would already be aware that this Donald Trump exists.

Some people believe everything they see on TV.  They have seen Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice, and so, they think that is how Donald Trump behaves. As if, "You're fired," is how he does business.

This is not the Donald Trump of Celebrity Apprentice, or countless silly TV interviews. This is not even the Donald Trump of the Campaign Trail rallies.

This is the real Donald Trump.

This is the Donald Trump who is a billionaire, a successful businessman who has transformed skylines, and employed tens of thousands of people.


thelastenglishprince said...

The most remarkable aspect of this meeting is how President Trump challenged the partisanship and inability of Congress to come together for the common good. He asked, "When was the last time a Republican and Democrat had lunch together?" And then he "by direction" suggested two members seated next to him do the same.

If memory serves me he sprinkled in the word "love". While not loving the platform of the other party, Congressmen should love what they do enough to lay down selfish ambitions and work for the good of all citizens.

I cannot wait to look back on 2018 and see the process of national healing, which is a slowly unfolding miracle, wrought by the guidance of a man invested with the gift of governance.

Our nation is returning to cultural healing and health.

Pastorius said...

Hopefully so. Trump did a real good job with this meeting.