Saturday, January 06, 2018

Trump: Taking it like a Man

From The Last English Prince:
With one foot stationary and with some wearing an armored glove the political soldiers seeking to destroy Donald Trump have consistently configured into a narrow passage better known as a gauntlet. 
Other soldiers brandish stirrup straps while a few clutch cat o’ nine tails. Some carry the long, supple sticks such as used in the film “Oberst Redl
While the honorable (?) allow a man to run the gauntlet and survive, the least honorable create conditions for the man to run the gauntlet again and again until he collapses in death. 
“Honorable” gauntlet-running allows the man to place his hands and arms around his face, skull, and neck to protect from the most debilitating of blows. 
Donald Trump runs. Again and again, he runs the gauntlet in asses-and-elbows fashion, quickly, adeptly, with a good stride and in a manner to distance himself from his enemies. The gauntlet has lined up again. This time with a ball of yarn. 
Michael Wolff’s Yarn 
Of course the “fire and fury” in the White House pales in comparison to Obama’s “Fast and Furious” gun-running scheme from his days in the “house built by slaves”. Politico Story Here is the deal. 
The latest gauntlet has the soldiers lined up with a journalism yarn that functions as a slinky. 
Here is the definition from Wiki: 
“A Slinky is a toy precompressed helical spring invented by Richard James in the early 1940s. It can perform a number of tricks, including traveling down a flight of steps end-over-end as it stretches and re-forms itself with the aid of gravity and its own momentum, or appear to levitate for a period of time after it has been dropped.” 
Wolff’s “book” is a helical invention that stretches, reforms, and will travel down a few flights of stair before most of us end up using it to prop up a broken couch leg. 
The selection will never be lovingly placed in our private library collection. That would be a distinct embarrassment. 
What can I say?

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