Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Country Club Jihad

Muslim convert, 17, is accused of slashing 13-year-old boy's throat, stabbing another teen 30 times and knifing his mom at a Florida sleepover because he felt victims mocked his faith 
Corey Johnson is facing one count of murder and two counts of attempted murder in connection to Monday's knife attack in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 
Johnson allegedly admitted to stabbing to death Jovanni Brand, who turned 13 on Monday, as the boy slept S 
uspect said Brand was idolizing celebrities, which went against Johnson's Muslim faith 
Police say Johnson then stabbed his friend Eileen Simon 12 times and her 13-year-old son Dane more than 30 times; both survived and were hospitalized 
Johnson said he felt Dane Bancroft, 13, made fun of his religious beliefs 
Eileen's 15-year-old son Kyle told police he and Johnson would often watch violent videos about Jihadists online 
Johnson had been the focus of an FBI bulletin triggered by reports of his violent tendencies
Of course, the only solution to this is MORE MUSLIMS.

1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

What can I say?