Saturday, March 09, 2019

Ilhan Omar's Victory Lap

Check out this Tweet:

Note this portion:
...It's the first time we've voted on a resolution condemning Anti-Muslim bigotry in our nation's history....
A Congressional resolution isn't law. But how far away are we from a law forbidding sites such as Infidel Bloggers Alliance?  In many circles, any criticism of Islam is considered to be "anti-Muslim" bigotry.


thelastenglishprince said...

Where is the difficult conversation, really?

This is a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who worked tirelessly for decades prior to Ms. Omar being born.

She makes it sound like America has been in some sort of time capsule (of her Somali-brain making) where nothing has changed since she stepped into the halls of Congress.

Messiah complexes all around.

thelastenglishprince said...

Yes, she is that and more. Just a mouthy, ungracious, anti-American elected official, probably representative of the Somali demographic that placed her in office.

No manners. Atomic elbow. Full of it. And for that, a paycheck and perks. She is already heading to east Africa this month on a "fact finding mission" which means glorified vacation with our tax dollars.

It is the theater of the absurd. There is a ban on Somali migration to the U.S. because of terror links which ARE related to culture. We have a tongue terrorist in Congress.

I have a friend who signed up black Americans in Mississipi in the 1960's. Jewish man. Humane. Now deceased. She just spit on his grave.

thelastenglishprince said...


Signed up black Americans to vote in elections. Not a one day endeavor. He had a lifetime passion for civil rights.

Always On Watch said...

She's a piece of shit.

I agree with that assessment.