Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez, Chief Of Staff ‘Could Be Facing Jail Time’ If Their Control Over PAC Was Intentionally Hidden, Former FEC Commissioner Says

From the Daily Caller:
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti obtained majority control of Justice Democrats PAC in December 2017, according to archived copies of the group’s website, and the two appear to retain their control of the group, according to corporate filings obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. 
If the Federal Election Commission (FEC) finds that the New York Democrat’s campaign operated in affiliation with the PAC, which had raised more than $1.8 million before her June 2018 primary, it would open them up to “massive reporting violations, probably at least some illegal contribution violations exceeding the lawful limits,” former FEC commissioner Brad Smith said. 
Ocasio-Cortez never disclosed to the FEC that she and Chakrabarti, who served as her campaign chair, controlled the PAC while it was simultaneously supporting her primary campaign, and former FEC commissioners say the arrangement could lead to multiple campaign finance violations. 
The group backed 12 Democrats during the 2018 midterms, but Ocasio-Cortez was the only one of those to win her general election. 
“If the facts as alleged are true, and a candidate had control over a PAC that was working to get that candidate elected, then that candidate is potentially in very big trouble and may have engaged in multiple violations of federal campaign finance law, including receiving excessive contributions,” former Republican FEC commissioner Hans von Spakovsky told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ocasio Cortez’s Chief Of Staff Ran $1M Slush Fund By Diverting Campaign Cash To His Own Companies


Ocasio-Cartez’s Chief of Staff Has Sick Crush on Hitler Toady and Nazi Collaborator

Oh, and by the way:

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Refuses To Denounce Venezuelan Dictator Maduro…



Always On Watch said...

AOC is the darling of the Democrat Party. She'll skate -- and go on to prosper. Watch for it.

Pastorius said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

Mom moves to Florida. Continues to vote Democrat.