Friday, April 12, 2019

Avi Yemeni Detained at LAX, Faces Deportation from USA


Anonymous said...

Not sure of the validity of this but one of the comments about this report suggests:

===>"As much as we're rooting for Avi, I suspect he went to the USA on a tourist visa when he should have had a journalist visa. Yanks are incredibly picky with the visa type. Godspeed Avi."<===

posted over on Tommy Robinsons's blog

The blog post stated:
===>"He has been held for over 6 hours and questioned by the FBI, and is now facing deportation."<===
Which raises the question frequent is it the FBI questions validity of legally issued travel Visas ?

Pastorius said...

Could be that he came in under slightly false pretenses. Of course, if he was a liberal, there'd be no fucking problem.

Pete Rowe said...

If enter as a tourist, then look around, spend your money, have a good time, and leave. That is it. If you enter under false pretenses, then don't be surprised if CBP does its job.