Saturday, April 13, 2019

Manhattan DA's Office Had Labeled Clinton Pal Jeffrey Epstein a Level Three Sex Offender - The Most Dangerous - But Still Argued For Leniency For Him

The Manhattan DA’s office had graphic and detailed evidence of pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s depravity when a prosecutor inexplicably argued for leniency during his 2011 sex offender registry hearing, The Post has learned. 
In advance of the hearing, then-deputy chief of Sex Crimes, Jennifer Gaffney, had been given a confidential state assessment that deemed Epstein to be highly dangerous and likely to keep preying on young girls, the DA’s office admitted in its own appellate brief eight months after the hearing. 
The brief has been sealed since 2011, but The Post obtained it Thursday after suing to get it unsealed. It describes a state assessment’s findings that Epstein should be monitored in New York as a level three offender — reserved for the most dangerous.

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