Monday, June 10, 2019

Royal Canadian Navy Launches Investigation Into Soldier For Sporting a "Infidel" Tattoo, Because It's Offensive to " A Certain Culture"

HALIFAX — The Royal Canadian Navy says it has confirmed the identity of a sailor who was singled out on social media for his tattoo featuring the word “infidel” in the shape of a rifle. 
Maj. Mark Gough of Maritime Forces Atlantic said late Friday afternoon that as a result, “the chain of command is investigating the matter further.” 
He provided no other details. Earlier, he said the navy received word about the tattoo from a Forces member who noticed a tweet from a Halifax coffee shop customer Tuesday and sent it to his superiors. 
A photo in the tweet shows only a man’s arm with the tattoo as he waits in line to be served. The tweet identified the man as being in uniform and wearing an HMCS Fredericton ball cap. 
Gough said the military is concerned by any action or behaviour by a Forces member that would demonstrate intolerance or disrespect and is obligated to look into the circumstances. 
“Some folks were offended by the tattoo,” he said. “In this case, because it could be interpreted as being offensive to a certain culture, then we obviously have to look into it.” 
Gough said the issue will at some point be sent to the military’s legal branch to determine whether any possible repercussions are warranted.
It's offensive to me that "a certain culture" has decided we are all infidels.

I named this blog INFIDEL Blogger's Alliance as a way of taking the moniker "a certain culture" gave us (EVERYONE) and shoving it up their fucking ass.

Fuck you, Canada.

Maybe we should start calling this blog ""A Certain Culture" Blogger's Alliance.

After all, in a few short years, after we have acquiesced to enough Muslim demands, Western culture will be Muslim culture, and all the rest of us will be relegated to being "a certain culture" of Kafirs, and then, if things go as they often have in the past, we will be murdered en masse.

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