Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ilhan "Omar" (Actually Nur Said) Funnels 30% of All Campaign Money to Her Kaffir Bootycall's Firm

From Ace of Spades:
This guy must be hung like a brother. 
I don't mean a black man. I mean, like her biological brother. 
Approximately 30 percent of the money doled out by the campaign of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) in the third quarter went to digital fundraising, communications, and advertising services provided by the E Street Group, a firm run by her alleged boyfriend. 
... The payments represent a significant increase from previous spending on the group's services. In the first two quarters--the first six months of the year--the campaign paid approximately $160,000 to the E Street Group. 
The $150,000 in new payments, made over the past three months, nearly matches that number. Mynett's wife, Dr. Beth Mynett, said that her husband told her in April that he was having an affair with Omar, the New York Post reported in August.
So now this woman has run afoul of U.S. Law, Congressional rules, Immigration Law, Islamic Law,  as well as having absolutely raped the trust of the American people.

How many allegiances can you claim, violate, and still expect to not eventually be up shit creek? 

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

How many allegiances can you claim, violate, and still expect to not eventually be up shit creek?

Bazillions -- because she's a daughter of Allah. Pfffft.