Monday, October 14, 2019

O’Keefe Strikes Again! Project Veritas Undercover CNN Video Exposes Jeff Zucker’s “Personal Vendetta” Against Trump

On Monday afternoon, O’Keefe released Part One of his #ExposeCNN undercover video revealing CNN’s president Jeff Zucker’s “personal vendetta” against Trump. 
Cary Poarch is a satellite uplink technician who blew the whistle on CNN and Jeff Zucker because he was sick of seeing the network pump out fake news propaganda. 
“Let’s just stay focused on impeachment,” Jeff Zucker is heard saying on a call. 
Nick Neville, a media coordinator at CNN is caught on undercover video saying, “Jeff Zucker, basically the president of CNN has a personal vendetta against Trump.” 
“It’s not going to be positive for Trump. He [Zucker] hates him. He’s going to be negative,” he added. 
Hiram Gonzalez, a floor director for CNN is on video saying, “Between you and I we created this monster and now we’re eating him full plate every single day. Media created the Trump monster.”

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