Friday, October 04, 2019

Outrage Over Sweden’s ‘Absurd’ Plan to Delete Ancient History From School Curriculum

Previously-undisputed pillars of education such as ancient and medieval history will have to make way for contemporary topics such as gender roles, democratic values and immigration in the newly-proposed Swedish school curriculum.
A new syllabus developed for Sweden’s state schools by the country’s National Agency for Education proposes drastic changes in how history and humanities should be taught.
The most striking part is that Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages, a formative period for the Western world in general and Sweden in particular, will disappear from the curriculum completely.

American Policing Consultant Stunned Over Situation In Sweden


WC said...

Why does Western Civilization hate itself so much? Or put it another way. What is it about Western Civilization that pisses the Left off?

Anonymous said...

Success. The left hates success. They are the vandals of civilization.

Always On Watch said...

Anonymous nailed it!