Wednesday, November 06, 2019

7-year-old whose mom tried to ‘transition’ him chooses to attend school as a boy

From Lifesite News:
DALLAS, Texas, November 5, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Seven-year-old James Younger, whose mother enrolled him in kindergarten as a “girl,” has finally been able to attend school as a boy for the first time. 
James’ parents’ fight over whether he should be subjected to a gender “transition” garnered national attention after LifeSiteNews and The Texan reported on the trial. 
Mr. Jeffrey Younger was fighting to prevent his ex-wife Dr. Anne Georgulas from “transitioning” James into “Luna.” 
The custody battle over James and his twin, Jude, sparked public outcry. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called for an investigation into the situation, as did other conservative leaders. 
On October 24, Judge Kim Cooks awarded Dr. Georgulas and Mr. Younger joint managing conservatorship and joint decision making of James and Jude. 
The new ruling increased Mr. Younger’s time with his boys and allowed him to have his boys on school nights. Dr. Georgulas will not be able to subject James to medical “transitioning” without Mr. Younger’s consent, although a court-appointed individual will be able to make decisions if the parents cannot come to an agreement. 
In the ruling, one of the court findings highlighted a statement from Dr. Albritton, the custody evaluator, that Dr. Georgulas was “over and above affirming.” The court also found that “the Mother has exceeded the scope of the exclusive rights and duties provided in the prior order.” 
According to a Facebook post from the Save James page – which is now run by friends of the family, as Mr. Younger is under a gag order – James chose to wear boy clothes to school while he was staying with his father. 
Mr. Younger argued in court that James does not want to be a girl, citing James’ choice to wear boy clothes and use his legal name, James, when with Mr. Younger. 
Mr. Younger also testified to an incident when James threw away the dresses James had at Mr. Younger’s home in the middle of the night. 
Prior to the judge’s ruling, James had always been with his mother, who calls him “Luna,” when attending school. Moving forward, James will be allowed to pick what name he wants to be called at school.
Let's face it, for all we know, the boy is choosing to go to school as a boy to please his father. We don't know.

I strongly suspect he wants to be a boy. But I can not know.

Nevertheless, I do not report on this story because I want to deprive Transgender people of their right to dress how they want.

I report on the story because I believe it is Child Abuse to give children puberty blocking hormones to "transition" them from one sex to another. And that, apparently, is what the mother was trying to do.

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