Friday, November 01, 2019

Internet + Islam

Equals online slave markets.
An undercover investigation by BBC News Arabic has found that domestic workers are being illegally bought and sold online in a booming black market.
Some of the trade has been carried out on Facebook-owned Instagram, where posts have been promoted via algorithm-boosted hashtags, and sales negotiated via private messages.
This is happening in Kuwait which is one of the richest and most "modern" Muslim countries on the planet.
Posing as a couple newly arrived in Kuwait, the BBC Arabic undercover team spoke to 57 app users and visited more than a dozen people who were trying to sell them their domestic worker via a popular commodity app called 4Sale.
The sellers almost all advocated confiscating the women's passports, confining them to the house, denying them any time off and giving them little or no access to a phone.
Oh, it's not just this one country.
This online slave market is not just happening in Kuwait.
In Saudi Arabia, the investigation found hundreds of women being sold on Haraj, another popular commodity app. There were hundreds more on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.
There are over a billion Muslims in the world. They have plenty of time to riot because of a few cartoons in a once-obscure Danish newspaper. Slavery, however, is fine since it is perfectly compatible with their demonic religion.

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