Sunday, November 03, 2019

Portland: Democratic Party Donor Accused Of Sex Crimes With 15 Year Old Boy

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

What is coming out almost daily about the extent of pedophilia and child abuse in such circles has left me with my jaw permanently dropped, and that is from someone who back in the 80s was investigating weird pedo cults which ran day care centers as a way of concentrating their targets. We were told that was "hysteria" and such an activity would essentially violate the laws of physics. It all looks pretty tame compared to what has come out recently about everything from Epstein to the Nxivm cult. And if what I'm being told lately has any basis in reality, it is going to get much weirder. (Hint: sexual "liberation" for those 8-year-old "transgendered" kids being put on hormones and scheduled for mutilation. Everyone else to follow. Stay tuned.)