Monday, November 04, 2019

President Trump Warns Democrats on Top Deep State Witness Alexander Vindman: “Well You’ll be Seeing Very Soon What Comes Out”

During his presser he was asked about top Democrat impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. 
President Trump’s warned Democrats, “Well you’ll be seeing very soon what comes out and then you can ask the question in a different way.” 
From Reuters: 
U.S. President Donald Trump said Saturday that more information would be released shortly about Alexander Vindman, the U.S. official who told Congress he was concerned that Trump’s call with Ukraine’s leader threatened national security. 
Vindman, a U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and National Security Council official, has been targeted by Trump since his Oct. 29 congressional testimony was released. Trump tweeted that day that Vindman was a “Never Trumper witness.” 
Asked whether he regrets calling the Vindman a “Never Trumper,” Trump told reporters on Saturday, “Well, you’ll be seeing very soon what comes out and then you can ask the question in a different way.”

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