Friday, November 01, 2019


From J.J. Sefton:
The lead story far and away was yesterday's pathetic, disgusting and tragic vote by the House to officially (I guess) start the impeachment process, the past several years notwithstanding. 
On a tactical level, the votes passed strictly along party lines, but two Democrats actually crossed over to vote with the entire GOP in lockstep against. So not only did they not get the all-important veneer of legitimacy by claiming "bipartisanship," but the defections, in a not insignificant way, help bolster the appearance of partisan witch hunt. 
So much for all the claims from the Dem leadership that they didn't think they had the votes to pass. That was a ruse. But I still firmly believe that the vote was forced on them by both Trump releasing the transcript of the phone call with Zelensky and more crucially, AG Barr's and John Durham's promised indictments for the real treason committed by Clinton, Obama, Biden and all the Deep State corruptocrats who attempted to sabotage and then overthrow Trump pre- and post-2016. 
Rush Limbaugh called it a week or so ago when he said we're in a race between us looking to bring the criminals to justice and the criminals and their co-conspirators in the Democrat-Media Complex to cover it up via a high-tech lynching of the President via impeachment and removal from office. Or, failing that, the smearing via lies and false accusations to the extent that it fatally wounds his chances for re-election. 
There are those who even now still look at things through the prism of conventional wisdom and past experience with these things. But they still do not understand that with Trump, they are dealing with someone who is just not willing to play their game by curling up into a fetal position and beg forgiveness. He fights back, twice as hard and twice as determined. 
The other thing lost on these people is that this is a different era. We survived an eight-year beat-down at the hands of Valerie Jarrett and Bill Ayers that was supposed to usher in the era of American decline and dissolution and the ascendancy of globalist misery or Islamic domination (and that situation is still in doubt). 
That was enough of a wake up call to a majority of Americans who knew that this is not the way things are supposed to be. And that is where the real hatred and enmity lies. It's with all of us who defied their plans to enslave us (for our own good, of course) by voting for the Orange Man with the weird hair, Queens accent and love for all things truly American, decent and good. 
They do not understand, nor will they ever understand that they cannot defeat that, at least not this time around, whatever outrage they plan to perpetrate under the fig leaf of governmental or legal processes. 

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