Saturday, November 02, 2019

Trump drives press to make a fool of itself over a ... dog

President Trump has an impressive way of driving his most virulent opponents bonkers. He baits them, he gets a rise out of them, and being pompous nincompoops, they always end up beclowning themselves. 
He was at it again, still on the dog stories, following the shiv he stuck into the side of Islamofascist terrorists in the wake of the raid he ordered on ISIS chieftain Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi over the weekend, the one that left al-Baghdadi a grease spot on the desert floor. 
Trump freaked that bunch out earlier by touting and praising the dog who chased the "pious Muslim scholar" back into his hole to blow himself up. 
As Thomas Lifson noted two days ago here, it was a hell of a psy-op, not just ending al-Baghdadi's reign of evil, but messing with Islamofascists' heads, fully cognizant of Islamists's problems with dogs. That al-Baghdadi ended up being taken down by a dog is embarrassing. 
Trump decided to pour more salt into these monsters' still-wounded pride by tweeting an obvious Photoshop of himself, placing a medal around the neck of the heroic dog. Its light blue ribbon suggested it was a Medal of Honor, but the pawprint on the medal itself signaled, as if the crude Photoshop itself couldn't, that Trump was jacking with them, and making a nod to America's appreciation for dogs. 
It wasn't just raging terrorists that he bagged with that one, though. He also roped in another more pajama-y class of opponents, the outraged press, which set its best investigative reporters onto the case, reporting the stunt with gravity, offense and outrage, going full Victorian gent, as Tom Wolfe once put it. 
The self-important blue-checks took the whole thing seriously.


1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

The self-important blue-checks took the whole thing seriously.

As always!