Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Antifa, "Mainstream" Media Join Forces to Push the "Right Wing Extremists Are Behind the Riots" False Flag Conspiracy Theory

Antifa, "Mainstream" Media Join Forces to Push the "Right Wing Extremists Are Behind the Riots" False Flag Conspiracy Theory

Does that mean the known antifa terrorists, and the many black and brown faced rioters, are "crisis actors" hired by these "right wing extremists" to be the fall guy? 
This is a conspiracy theory pushed by a radicalized leftwing media determined that their Direct Action arm -- antifa -- should not be blamed for the violence they're obviously perpetrating. 
America is now Palestine, where they Palestinians blow up schools and then say, "It was really the Jews."

Antifa Sets Historic St. John's Church in DC Ablaze;Leftwing Media Denies Church is Burning to Protect Antifa Allies

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