Thursday, June 11, 2020

UCLA Suspends Professor for... Refusing Request to Give Black Students Higher Grades Just Because They're Black and Because White Supremacy or Something

UCLA college professor is suspended after refusing request for lenient marking of black students' final assessments due to the trauma they have suffered from George Floyd's death and civil unrest 
Gordon Klein, professor of accounting, has been suspended for three weeks 
Non-black students emailed asking for leniency in marking black peers' work Klein replied that he had no idea who was black given the course was online 
He asked how he should grade people of multiple ethnicities 
Klein noted MLK's fight for people to not be evaluated based on skin color UCLA's Anderson School of Business described his email as 'disturbing' 
A petition to see Klein removed now has almost 20,000 signatures Academics have defended Klein for 'treating students on the basis of equality'
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department reportedly has an increased police presence outside Klein's home after multiple threats. 
At least 20,000 people signed a petition calling for Klein's removal after a student who wasn't in the class posted the email exchange on social media. 
Klein was asked for a "no-harm" final exam, shortened exams, and extended deadlines for final assignments and projects due to "traumas" that put students in the class "in a position where we must choose between actively supporting our black classmates or focusing on finishing up our spring quarter," according to screenshots obtained by Inside Higher Ed.
The Democrats will continue pushing anti-white racism and black supremacism, and the Republicans will... say a few words about what a swell guy George Floyd was, and that maybe we should have more Jack Kemp style Enterprise Zones. 
Because that's what will appease the mindless revolutunary Maoists and outright racial supremacists -- moderate, incremental, small-ball programattic changes.
That's what violent revolutionaries are always appeased by, right? 
Update: It appears they're not appeased by the cucks' mumbling of gentle words of submission. 
Now they want to shut down... Science. 
Because it's racist. 


Anonymous said...

In other news it appears things are really heating up in the UK. Look for a wild weekend as BLM-UK seeks to demolish or deface almost all monuments to dead whites as they all can all be tarred as racist after a fashion. (Wonder if they have a statue of Wilberforce?)

Meanwhile good old T.R. has arisen and called on British patriots to defend the statues, apparently getting a good response among football "firms" and other hands to appear in opposition.

Naturally Mayor Khan is siding with BLM, though advising a less violent removal methodology for public consumption. No doubt most of the living British Rock Royalty side with the Muslim conquest as well.

thelastenglishprince said...

And then there is the woman who is in fear of her job because she attended a workplace round table on racism. A black employee broke into tears and said, "Even sunscreen is white!" Errr... zinc oxide? The Caucasian worker merely added a few moderating thoughts. Now she is on the corporate shit list.

I blogged on that topic, but here is my blurb regarding Professor Klein:

Anonymous said...

"...maybe we should have more Jack Kemp style Enterprise Zones."

Actually we got a shitload of them in the last tax bill though they are now called "opportunity zones". The whole idea is based on the flawed assumption that the neighborhood creates the inhabitants rather than the inhabitants create the neighborhood.

Predictable results will follow: Investors will buy up incentivized properties, improve said properties, revitalize the neighborhood, and "gentrify" the current denizens out.

This leads to more excuses for discontent, protesting, rioting and so on. Government never learns.