Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Cemetery Customers Express Shock Their Relatives Causes Of Death Were Listed As COVID


thelastenglishprince said...

A friend has a typical, yearly summer cold. No fever, just a small cough. Did a "virtual visit" which is like water witching. No COVID test but the M.D. told him he "has COVID".

Huh? I am sure his chart will now state the same.

revereridesagain said...

Can't use political pressure to keep us with masks plastered on our faces marching up and down aisles and sidewalks in the "right direction" for Alzheimer's and summer colds, can they? I'm seeing my primary care doc Friday for a twice-a-year check up. Should be interesting. I'd better not see that chest cold I had in January suddenly transformed into "COVID".

Pastorius said...

Interesting. Honestly, I have not heard one story like that from any of my friends out here in Cali. I have heard of multiple people "testing postivie" for Covid. None of them are sick though.