Thursday, July 09, 2020

Post-Pandemic Americans May Be Done With Taking Orders

Let's hope so.
'On June 19, the mayor of Cottonwood, Arizona, unilaterally ordered city residents to wear face masks in public places. A week later, my family went downtown to grab some lunch at a favorite barbecue joint. 
The proclamation might as well have never been issued; we were among the very few people wearing masks on the street or in the stores. 'The residents of Cottonwood aren't alone; compliance with orders from on-high is losing popularity across the country. 
One of the COVID-19 pandemic's legacies may well be an overwhelming public fatigue with being told what to do...'


Anonymous said...

China's leading doctor claims the country's coronavirus outbreak 'has already ended'

thelastenglishprince said...

Walked into a gas station/grocer outside of Denton, Texas the other day. Had my mask on. Several people in the store looked at me like I was an alien. I happily removed the mask and greeted everyone with a smile.

The social experiment has failed. We are Americans. Live and let live.

My brother, when accosted by a man who had entered the store with him - who had California license plates on his truck - told the man. "You are in Texas now." smile

Anonymous said...

China defends WHO and criticises the Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the body

wtf is the nefarious UN up to now?

Viruses jumping from animals to humans are becoming MORE common, UN warns

Pastorius said...

Glad to hear it.