Monday, September 14, 2020

BLM and The Pan-African Flag


While watching videos of protests at the hospital where the two ambushed LA County deputies are now clinging to life, I noticed protestors carrying and waving the Pan-African flag. Later, I watched a video of protestors who’d yesterday shut down the George Washington Bridge in NYC. They too were waving Pan-African flags. 
Why THAT particular flag? There are BLM flags. There are Antifa flags.  
Simply, and to the point: The red, black, and green horizontal bands of the Pan-African Flag was created in 1920 by the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. Not coincidently, this was the era — between the two World Wars — when the international African diaspora fully embraced communism under the writings and teachings of George Padmore, Isaac Wallace-Johnson, Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire, Paul Robeson, CLR James, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Walter Rodney.”  
This is not a projection of ignorance or fluke happenstance. We are being told, openly, the underlying intent of this movement. These flags are being chosen, purchased, and distributed to protestors with deliberate purpose. 
Do we really need further proof that cultural Marxists have completely coopted what might otherwise have been a legitimate movement against the overreach of local and national law enforcement? 
BLM is inarguably a Trojan Horse filled with communist insurgents bent on the dismantling of the Bill of Rights, destruction of capitalism, and the end of the American experiment. 
The current escalation of chaos and bloodshed is right out of the playbook of the Leninist vanguard for establishing the “dictatorship of the proletariate.” Demonstrations, riots, and violence to elucidate police abuse — both real and manufactured — are just the cover thinly veiling their actual purposes.

From The Pragmatic Constitutionalist.


MarcusZ1967 said...

Amazon says link not found?

Pastorius said...

Thanks for letting me know.

I corrected the link.