Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Piece of Shit City Manager of Lynwood California Posts Response To Sheriff's Deputies Being Ambushed in Compton: "Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost"

These people just keep digging deeper and deeper into the abominable pit of hell. It's about time for retribution.

Here's what the fat fucking piece of shit looks like:

Jose Ometeotl - City Manager, Lynwood, CA

Here's how much money this fat faggot makes:


Always On Watch said...

Forget the Stalinist overtones....We need a purge.

My lifelong friend has been saying that for at least two decades -- and she doesn't mean in a Stalinist sense. She hates Commies as much as I do.

When she used to say that, I wasn't politically savage enough to understand just how infiltrated by tyrants and Commies we are.

Always On Watch said...

“Chickens come home to roost” is the expression that the so-called-reverend and America-hater Wright said. Remember?

Pastorius said...

Yes, and he got it from Malcolm X:
