Monday, October 12, 2020

COVID Contradictions

And yet we have Government leaders saying things like this:


Anonymous said...

Wokeness is strong in this one.

— theBuckwheat

Anonymous said...

45 spits at Fauci again!

Fauci and company cry foul over Trump quoting Fauci for election advantage...
Actually, Tony’s pitching arm is far more accurate than his prognostications. “No problem, no masks”. WHO no longer likes Lockdowns - just came out against. Trump was right. We saved 2,000,000 USA lives!!!

Recall last week, upon his recovery from COVID, Trump held the largest radio rally with Rush Limbaugh in history during which Trump stated:
WATCH HERE – With Transcript
” … I’m not taking anything. You know, I’m off any regimen that they gave me, but it was primarily this one drug.
And we’re sending that and the Eli Lilly version of it, which is very similar. We’re sending that to all of our hospitals. We’re gonna get people better. We gotta get it there fast. That’s why I’m doing an emergency use authorization. I gotta get ’em to approve it really fast.

I gave them my numbers to put in with the other numbers that they already have, which are very good, excellent, and it’s… You know, it’s the most amazing thing — and it’s not Remdesivir. Maybe that helps a little bit. But Remdesivir is not the same thing. This is stuff that is so good. It just wiped out the virus. It wiped it out —”

Our great POTUS dissed Fauci’s Remdesivir publicly. Insert cheesy grin here.

Anonymous said...

Japanese pilot randomized controlled trial showed surgical masks don’t reduce common colds either (in healthcare workers), but did cause more headaches
CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
Over 70 percent of the case-patients who were contaminated with the virus fell ill despite "always" wearing a mask.