Sunday, October 04, 2020

New WHO Data Reveals Coronavirus Less Lethal than Last Three Major US Pandemics — And they Destroyed the Economy for This

On Friday, the WHO released new numbers that indicate that the China coronavirus has mortality similar to the flu. The WHO now estimates that 750,000,000 people have had the coronavirus today. With one million global deaths that puts the mortality rate at 0.13%.


Pete Rowe said...

It is the flu. And we allowed our elected officials to curtail our Fundamental Rights and destroy our businesses, lives, jobs, and families over it. The mask is as useless as our government.

revereridesagain said...

It will be interesting to see how people react to this latest outbreak striking the President and several others in government. POTUS was diagnosed when, Thursday night? Currently working at his office at Walter Reed, posting cheerful videos and apparently making excellent progress. Will this outbreak result in a renewed lockdown panic or will people finally begin to wake up?

Very surprised at the relatively low death percentage for the 1918 Spanish Flu, which I'd always considered in a category if not equating the Black Death, at least being in the same ballpark.

We allowed them to frighten us into shutting down our economy and locking down our rights for nothing. That will be the real mortality rate of COVID-19.

thelastenglishprince said...

This has become an American social experiment for government control and abridgement of fundamental rights.
Rights - once lost - are difficult to regain.

Act of revolt? I will not be getting the COVID 19 vaccine.

When considering that the majority of those who have tipped over into eternity are in their declining years and co-morbidities abound, the response has been as suffocating as the mandated masks.

In Texas, we are fed up.