Monday, December 28, 2020

Why Sidney Powell Gets The Galileo Treatment


Observers of human history might have to go back all the way to Galileo to find a ruling class as determined to cancel someone as much as today’s is to cancel Sidney Powell in response to her single-minded devotion to bringing the truth of the full scale of the 2020 election fraud to light. 
Galileo broke the news/discovery that the earth wasn’t the center of the universe, and in fact revolved around the sun, and that just didn’t comport with what the ruling class, including church authorities, were prepared or willing to accept. 
Galileo rocked their world -- probably deeply threatening their hold of authority over the masses if they were exposed as so fundamentally wrong -- so their solution wasn’t to deal with the truth but to put Galileo under house arrest and demand that he renounce his discovery. 
The American ruling class of 2020 is bizarrely opposed to allocating any oxygen to what Sidney Powell has discovered and is alleging about Dominion Voting Systems (and others), about vote-shifting algorithms and partial decimal vote counts, and about vote manipulation showing up throughout the country. 
Even Rudy Giuliani, the President’s attorney, and Mark Meadows, the President’s Chief of Staff, seem hellbent on publicly keeping their distance from Powell -- and on keeping President Trump from getting too close to or aligned with Powell. 
Other elements of the ruling class -- such as SCOTUS and much of the rest of the federal judiciary -- won’t even look at the evidence Powell has assembled. They just ‘don’t want to go there’, and so they make up legal excuses -- e.g., lack of standing -- and wave off the substance of the allegations. 
What gives? Why are they behaving this way? Common sense says election integrity is fundamental to the survival of democracy in any form, so if there are reasonable grounds for suspicion, why wouldn’t serious adults want to turn over every rock to determine the truth? 
If the ruling class is so eager to pronounce Sidney Powell a lunatic fringe conspiracy theorist, why wouldn’t they want the Dominion voting machines fully audited so they can prove once and for all that Powell is crazy and deserves to be mocked and ignored? 
Many people in the Dallas, Texas area have been struggling with these ‘what gives?’ questions since at least 2018, when the mid-term election results had an immediate smell of having been rigged. Yet Texas law enforcement authorities -- by reputation so pro-law and order -- refused to investigate. 
There seem to be three possible explanations for the behavior of the ruling class, and none of them are good.


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