Wednesday, March 10, 2021

13-Year-Old Muslim Student Admits She Made Up Story That Led to French Teacher’s Beheading


A 13-year-old Muslim student in France has admitted that she fabricated the story that lead to a school teacher being beheaded last year. 
The student claimed that her teacher Samuel Paty had showed an image of Muhammed during a lesson on free speech, which he had asked the Muslim students to leave the room for. 
Once her tall tale made it online, an outrage mob ensued and the teacher began to receive death threats. 
“She lied because she felt trapped in a spiral because her classmates had asked her to be a spokesperson,” her lawyer Mbeko Tabula said, according to a report from the Daily Mail. 
“After the girl, who reportedly had a history of behavioural problems, made her initial claims about the class, her father filed a legal complaint and posted a video online in early October,” the Mail report continued. 
“The video, which detailed the allegations against Paty, provoked outrage on social media, including death threats against the teacher.” 
The teacher was beheaded in the street in the town of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine by an 18-year-old Chechen terrorist.

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

Over in the town next door to mine about 300+ years ago some schoolgirls confessed to having made up stories that cost the lives of a couple dozen of their neighbors consequently labeled as "witches". Somehow I don't think this will result in the same long-lasting notoriety. The Salem girls weren't Muslims and so it is not "Puritaniphobic" to point out the tragedy that resulted from their actions.