Thursday, March 18, 2021

BIDEN'S RULES: Illegal Immigrants Given Sheet of Paper with Instructions to Appear in Court and Allowed to Fly Domestic Using the Sheet of Paper as an ID


Once again, Illegal Aliens Allowed to Fly on Domestic Airliners Without Proper ID – Hector Garza. Advertisement - story continues below The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance under Biden’s CATCH&RELEASE policies are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms. 
The federal government is allowing them to travel commercially using the NOTICE TO APPEAR paperwork that could easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer. 
The Notice to Appear form (see below) has no photo; anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing. They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth. 
The fact that TSA is accepting the I-862 (Notice to Appear) as a form of identification and allowing illegal aliens to travel commercially shows just how little regard the Biden administration has for our immigration laws and domestic flights. 
The threat this poses from terrorists upon the American people is absolutely unacceptable. Central Americans are not the only people crossing our border and being released.


1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

Also being released without COVID tests. Gee. What can possibly go wrong? Beleaguer the citizen. Reward the criminal.