Friday, March 12, 2021

BREAKING: New Video Shows Men Dressed In All Black At US Capitol Bashing Windows… Then Flip Off Trump Supporters Chanting “F—k Antifa!”


Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up interviewed Pressley Stutts, a 30-year Navy Chaplain. Stutt’s incredible story, that has now gone viral, reveals how quickly America is becoming a tyrannical nation. 
From our article: 
Pressley Stutts proudly served in the United States Navy as a chaplain for 30 years. He’s retired from the military now and is a small business owner in South Carolina. Mr. Stutts traveled to DC to show his support for President Trump. He wasn’t part of a planned insurrection, he certainaly never imagined he’d find himself on the steps of the Capitol building, but when the barricades around the Capitol building were removed and a police officer motioned for him and hundreds of protesters to advance tot he Capitol steps, he joined hundreds of others to voice his support for lawmakers inside who were set to reject electors from contested states. 
Pressley Stutts explained to us that he never got past the steps of the Capitol. He did, however, witness men dressed in all black who broke out windows at the Capitol building while Trump supporters warned they were members of the violent far left domestic terror group, Antifa. Pressley explained that he heard women shouting, “Antifa! Antifa!” as the men dressed in black bashed out the windows of the Capitol. 
Here is Pressley’s stunning interview.


There has been a lot of discussion about whether or not Antifa and BLM played a role in the Capitol’s siege on January 6th. 
FBI Director Christopher Wray claims Antifa played no part in the breach of the Capitol building. Perhaps someone should share these videos with Mr. Wray...



cjk said...

Here's my take on Wray, Barr, and even Pompeo too.
Proverbs, 29:12. If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.

Anonymous said...

So why isn't this guy on Hannity? Instead we get another half hour of Bore O'Reilly or the Newt Fossil. Boomer-Con talk radio will be deader than Rush by Summer.