All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Monday, February 28, 2022
DNA Transcribed From Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Contains MUTANT gp130 Tumor Gene
My previous post about a science article proving that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine reverse transcribes into human DNA has garnered enormous interest and lots of comments, many of which were incredible.If you did not read it yet, PLEASE READ IT FIRST before reading this article. Otherwise, you may get lost and not even realize the significance of how your loved ones’ genetic code may have been reprogrammed.
I decided to continue plodding along and see what else we can uncover, based on that “Current Issues in Molecular Biology” article:
The article contains a printout of genetic DNA code that was detected in human cell DNA materials reverse transcribed from the mRNA vaccine.
I decided to check what is actually in the code above. Is it just harmless junk or something more ominous? For that, I ran a free NCBI “BLAST” tool by copying and pasting the above genetic sequence in it. This is the same BLAST tool used by @JikkyKjj to show a Moderna “cancer patent” sequence on the most important, “furin cleavage site” of Sars-Cov-2.
Anyway, impressed with @JikkyKjj’s discovery, I decided to do the same with the DNA code that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine generates (reverse transcribes) into human cells. Turns out I was the first to enter the sequence into the NCBI BLAST tool (it took a while to analyze) and it now has a sequence ID of 1R3ZDZJY016.
And here are the results. I annotated them to make it easier for you to see what is and is not interesting:
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