Saturday, February 04, 2023

How Communists Write Their Idiotic World View Into AI

If AI ends up being the reality people live in, then AI defines reality, and there will be no other reality than AI.

From Vlad Tepes:
The way communism works, is they, the commies in power, create a council of experts which they claim represents the people. (James Lindsay has a video on this but I do not remember which one) This council creates a “consensus”. The consensus is usually a pseudo-reality intended to be imposed on the majority population. The method of imposition is critical theory, or basically calling everyone who disagrees with the consensus a name which discredits them as a person. Racist, climate denier, transphobic etc. Ludicrous names that effectively just mean you do not accept the pseudo-reality of the consensus, but then it goes on to destroy your life. PJ Watson points out how this tactic of Frankfurt School Marxism is written in to AI without actually knowing the background of the rules.

Wait, what? You think it won't happen? You think AI will not define realty?

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