Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Dwayne Wade BOOED And Accused Of Mutilating his Son By Angry Crowd in NYC


revereridesagain said...

"Those who deny the biological differences between a man and a woman are not only erasing women as a category of people, they're denying the existence of objective reality, and the "truth" becomes whatever those in power want it to be." -- Tulsi Gabbard

revereridesagain said...

The Right is willing to "pass laws" that turn American women into brood mares to please their Jesus. Don't tell me that's not true because you know it is.

But the Left wants our minds. The Left is "1984". They put a gun to our heads and demand that we say "2+2=5". That is what makes them more dangerous and why they must be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Dear Revere,

Women can choose not to become pregnant. Their neglect of women's health by being sexually active but choosing not to take birth control is irresponsible, unless of course, they don't understand that 1+1 might really equal "3". smile

Regarding transgenderism in children. We are inducing medical crisis at great cost to the taxpayer: