All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Leaked Report Confirms Myocarditis Cases Spiked in US Military Following Forced COVID Shots
“There were 15,997 doses of Moderna vaccine, and 16,382 doses of Pfizer vaccine administered over the study period, for a total of 32,379 doses. Note that these numbers represent a mixture of first and second doses.
Therefore, if our cohort captured all cases in the Ottawa area, then the incidence of myocarditis would be 0.1% of all vaccine doses (32 cases/32,379 doses x 100), or 10 cases of myocarditis for every 10,000 doses of vaccine.”
Researchers found that the symptoms show up extremely quickly after vaccination, usually after the patient’s second dose. On average, people who were affected developed the condition after just 1.5 days.
They also found that men are at a much greater risk than women – only 2 women experienced heart inflammation.
Cases of myocarditis soared among U.S. service members in 2021 after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, a top Pentagon official has confirmed.
There were 275 cases of myocarditis in 2021—a 151 percent spike from the annual average from 2016 to 2020, according to Gilbert Cisneros Jr., undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, who confirmed data revealed by a whistleblower earlier this year.
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